The Project Feed 1010 community favors aquaponics systems for their efficiency in cycling nutrients and water and for its accessibility in all environments. Aquaponics is a food production system that combines aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (growing plants in water).
The fish excretion (ammonia) is broken down by nitrogen fixing bacteria and eventually converted to nitrate, which provides nutrients essential to plant growth. The fish, therefore, serve as a natural fertilizer for the plants and in return, the plants help purify the water for the fish. This soilless system recycles up to 98 percent of its water, making it very sustainable option for cultivating crops and fish.
These sustainable food systems have been around for thousands of years in rural landscapes and ancient cultures; however, they have just recently gained popularity in the West. In an effort to optimize and scale them up for worldwide use, funding agencies and researchers around the world have been dedicating time and other resources to better understand these systems.