

Collaborate with the hundreds of scientists, teachers, students, farmers, and citizens who are working together to make global sustainable food production and education possible. In the past, participants could contribute and analyze data via our online system. This data management site is currently unavailable, but can be access via GitHub. If you would like assistance with this resource, please email us at see@isbscience.org and let us know. Perhaps we can partner to have you update, maintain and share this resource with others.

Register/Login to our Data Management Web App to start tracking your system and interacting with others.



  Find collaborators within the PF1010 Community

You can also join the PF1010 Facebook page to share ideas and questions with hundreds of participants.


Connect with Local Food Systems

Exploring local food systems can help you identify areas of need in your community and help as you develop an impactful project. Here are some examples of local food systems you can connect with:

  • Food banks
  • Local government
  • Aquaponics farms
  • Urban farms
  • Community gardens
  • Your school’s cafeteria
  • Small businesses and restaurants